How to Start Your Own Online Store

How to Start Your Own Online Store

Achieve Ecommerce Success

If you have ever thought of starting your own online store, you might be surprised to learn that it’s easier than you think! In fact, with so many established companies selling their wares over the web, ecommerce has gone from a novel idea to an industry powerhouse in just the past few years. If you’re thinking about joining in on the fun, read on to learn more about what it takes to start your own ecommerce business.


Starting your own online store is a great way to make some extra cash on the side and build a sustainable business. It’s also a great platform for selling products that you create or find. One of the best platforms for setting up an ecommerce site is Woocommerce, which is free and easy to use.
First, you’ll need a domain name and hosting for your website. If you already have a website, it should be relatively easy to add an ecommerce store through plugins or extensions that come with it. If not, we recommend Canhost as they provide both domain names and hosting services that are easy to set up.

Step 1 – Registering your domain name

Registering a domain name can be the first step for a new ecommerce store. This is typically done through an EPP code. Be sure to understand the nuances of your desired domain name, including if it’s already taken or not available. Once you’ve registered your domain name, you’ll need to find a hosting service and register that with the same EPP code. A hosting service will keep your website live on the internet, while the registration will ensure that nobody else can steal it! Hosting services are typically inexpensive, but they have options based on what type of website you’re creating. If you’re planning to create a lot of content on your site, then make sure to choose a plan that has sufficient storage space (most hosting plans come with 10GB free).
In addition to domain names and hosting services, any ecommerce business should have security measures in place as well. Fortunately there are several reliable companies who provide inexpensive SSL certificates for just this purpose. You want these certificates so hackers don’t get into your site and expose sensitive information about customers like their credit card numbers or passwords!

Step 2 – Choosing a niche

Choosing a niche is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in starting an ecommerce business. It’s often a difficult decision, as it will determine the success or failure of your store.
Niche selection should be based on three key factors: The products you want to sell, your financial resources, and the target market for those products.
When making this decision it’s important not only to consider how many competitors are already in that niche, but also how much traffic there is for that type of product. A high demand for your product means more traffic and potential customers for your store!
The best way to get started with choosing a niche is with Google Trends.

Step 3 – Create an attractive website

The first step to start your ecommerce success is to build an attractive and easy-to-use website. To do this, you can use WordPress, which will make website development much simpler. At Rad Websites we love word press. Our suggestion? You can also use a self-hosted WordPress site or purchase hosting from a company like CanHost. Just make sure that your store meets the expectations of your target audience, as we have seen that some millennials prefer mobile stores and others desktop stores, so having both options will increase customer satisfaction.
The next step is Setting up your Google Analytics account and promoting your site on social media networks.

Step 4 – Google Analytics Setup

Set up Google Analytics on your website. This is a free tool that allows you to track how people are using your site. You can find out what pages they’re visiting, where they’re coming from, and how long they’re spending on your site.
This will help you see what’s working and what’s not so you can make adjustments accordingly. It’ll also help you know where the majority of visitors are coming from so you can set marketing dollars in the right places. If you want to get really advanced with this, add tracking codes for every ad campaign or link that sends traffic to your website. If one campaign gets more clicks than others, you’ll know which campaigns work best!
Now all you need is inventory! The third step would be setting up an inventory management system. With WooCommerce, Shopify Plus, Magento Community Edition and even WordPress e-Commerce plug-ins like WOOFox, it’s easy to import products directly from manufacturers like Amazon or Ebay. These systems provide templates for designing catalogues as well as front end shopping carts for customers who purchase items through your website – without any coding knowledge required! They allow customers to buy products at the time of order and choose when they receive their purchases instead of having them delivered automatically after ordering – saving you money on postage and packaging fees (and making sure each customer receives their purchase as quickly as possible).

Step 5 – Choosing Payment Methods

One important thing to know when starting an online store is the payment methods. There are two main types of payment methods, with a few subtypes. The two main types are b2b and b2c (business-to-business and business-to-consumer).
B2C is most common, since it’s direct between customer and the store. Subtypes include traditional credit cards, PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, etc.
B2B is less common but can be advantageous in certain situations because it allows for invoicing or purchase orders. Subtypes include accounts payable and eCommerce platforms like Shopify or Magento.

Step 6 – Launching your store

Launching a store is one of the most exciting parts of starting your own online store. You should make sure your website is developed by a professional website development company that knows how to create an ecommerce site using Woocommerce, which is the leading e-commerce platform. This will ensure that you have an easy-to-navigate site that provides a great customer experience. Additionally, it’s important to set up your business so that you’re able to start getting orders as soon as possible. Once you launch your store, promote it on social media and other channels so customers can find out about it!

To Conclude – Summary

To summarize, starting an ecommerce business is a big undertaking and requires a lot of planning. For example, you need to identify your niche, research and develop ideas for products and services, decide on pricing points, find suppliers, determine what technology will work best for you, create a website design, choose the store’s look and feel based on your target demographic. If you’re ready for the challenge but don’t know where to start or what steps are involved in the process of starting an ecommerce business then this post has hopefully been helpful. We discussed everything from identifying your niche, developing product ideas and choosing suppliers to determining how much inventory to order, setting up payment options and building a website that’s engaging with great content. We even shared some tips for hiring a web designer and social media manager!
In conclusion – A successful ecommerce business starts with solid groundwork. The more research you do before launching your site the better prepared you’ll be when it comes time to take orders. Set realistic goals for yourself by mapping out all the important aspects of launching an online store such as branding, inventory levels, marketing budget etc. Once you’ve done that it’s time to get creative!

5 Expert SEO Tips to Push Your Traffic – How We Nail it Every Time!

Today we share with you 5 expert SEO tips to push your traffic, that has allow us to nail it every time!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like a car race, except the race is to make it to Page One on search engines like Google and Bing. In this race, you have several different types of cars, such as Car #1 (Content), Car #2 (Link building), Car #3 (Technical SEO), Car #4 (Social Media) and Car #5 (Keyword Research).

In this race, the cars are not racing against each other. They are racing with each other, each attempting to fit in simultaneously on your website. Once you gain momentum with one “car”, it can help boost your rankings and traffic.

According to Brian Harnish, lead SEO at iLoveSEO, “When you have both elements – rankings and traffic – performing well, you can expect higher conversions as a result”.

In a previous post I talked about maintaining a high ranking by practicing white hat SEO, something we, here at Best SEO in Canada, are very good at. Btw, if by some miracle you don’t know what SEO is, let me just say it is a term used to describe the process webmasters’ use to make a website rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing.

In today’s article, I will share with you five expert SEO tips to push your traffic–and how we nail it every time, because I am the best SEO in Canada: Someone RAD who makes Rad Websites, equipped with all the latest best practices and  technology, and the creator of high-functioning, complex e-commerce stores that perform. Which brings me to:

Number 1 – A well-designed website

It doesn’t matter how many Ads you purchase (and we hope you don’t because we hate PPC), if you don’t have a well-designed website, the traffic you worked so hard to gain will “bounce”. That’s right! They’ll say, “See yah later”, and you can bet they will not be sharing your link with anyone either.

A well-designed website is a RAD website. If you’re reading this article then it means you’ve seen our website. And since ya’all know I love to brag, you won’t be surprised if I say it is one of the best websites on this superhighway. A well-designed website has a sitemap-whether created by you or generated by Google or Bing.

However, it is vital, as it provides search engines like Google with the necessary information to swiftly crawl and index site pages, audio and video. As a matter of fact, in order to appear in Google News, your website must have a sitemap.

On the front page of your website should be several or one main image that has been optimized for search images. See Number #3 below. Your blog (and I am presuming you have one. If you don’t, then you really need to stop reading this post and contact me NOW!) must be discoverable on your front page.

Do I have to say that the link should lead to your latest post? A well-designed website has a well-chosen name, and on the backend, uses relevant keywords. More on this later (see Number #4 below).

Last, but not least, a well-designed website looks just that: well-designed. It is pleasing to the eye. Believe it or not, visitors are turned off by unattractive websites. What will happen is that they will visit your site because you’ve implemented all these expert SEO tips I’ve shared with you, but they will not stay, and they will not return.

Those are potential clients. Solid leads. Lost revenue. So my number one expert SEO tip is that you build a well-designed website to attract people and spiders. At Best SEO in Canada, we make sure people enjoy being on our client’s RAD website, want to come back, and tell all their friends.

Number 2 – A Fast Website

So you have a well-designed website, but because you chose our competitors it’s not a RAD website. Chances are it is not fast. Are visitors waiting up to 30 seconds for your site to load? Guess what? You’re losing revenue.

If your website takes longer to load than the time it takes for you to say Search Engine Optimization, your bounce rate will be high. Check to make sure your third-party plugins are not bogging down your website. If so, either optimize them or lose them.

Do you really need them though? Check also the size of your image files. I am not saying a fast website will drive traffic to your website. However, it certainly won’t convert that traffic.

Remember my analogy of the race at the beginning of this article? Well, think of a fast website as Car #3, and in this race, the cars work together–not compete against each other.

Number 3 – Optimized Images

Well, I’ve been talking so much about images that I might as well tell you about them now. Let me ask you a question. Are you making the most of the image “alt text” option? Here’s the thing.

Search engines cannot really see the bright, colourful images you upload to your website. They depend on alternate text, what they call “alt attributes” that helps them categorise your lovely images. As the name suggests, it is a description of the image.

You might think it is too much bother and so may choose not to add images. That would be to your detriment. Images are very important to a website as they not only highlight your product(s) or service(s), but also break up large text blocks to keep readers engaged with your page.

Images are important, so you should take time to optimize them. In addition to describing your image for the search engines and persons with devices that cannot load images, you should shrink your images to manageable sizes. And what I mean by that is to ensure your website can manage the size of the image.

Search engines hate sites that are slow in loading, and one of the major causes is large image files. And while we’re on the subject: Ensure to save your images as either JPG or WEBP.

Number 4 – Use relevant keywords

As mentioned earlier, a well-designed website uses relevant keywords. And this will push traffic to your website. The fact you’re reading this article is proof that our relevant long-tail keyword worked. I hear you asking: What are keywords? I like PCMagazine’s simple answer: “They’re the main words that lead people to your site”.

See our previous article here, there we explained long-tail keywords. Keywords must be strategically placed throughout your website in articles, images, videos, etc. You should also place them in your website’s URL, header tags, meta descriptions, and alt attributes.

Number 5 – Write descriptive meta files

The final SEO tip to push your traffic that we nail every time that I’m going to share with you is meta descriptions. Visitors to a website usually read the first few lines in a search result to see if the information matches what they are looking for.

This “snippet” of information below the page title or mini paragraph is what we call meta description. So we don’t need to convince you of its importance. Search engines allow you approximately 150 characters, so you are at liberty to say all that you wanted to that couldn’t fit in your page title. It is here you would want to also place your long-tail keyword.

Your meta description should explain the purpose of your website. As it is the second thing searchers see (after the title), you want to ensure it provides enough information to induce that coveted click to your website–wat we SEO experts call a “click through”.

Subsequently, you may be tempted to put all your keywords in your meta description. Don’t! That’s what Google describes as keyword stuffing, and they will penalize you for it. See our article on worst SEO practices.

That’s it! That’s my 5 expert SEO tips to push your traffic. Have a well-designed website; have a fast website, optimize your images, use relevant keywords and write an informative meta description that tells the purpose of your website. These 5  SEO tips are just the tip of the SEO iceberg. I didn’t even mention mastering internal links, which is another potent one.

However, I believe if you implement these five SEO tips you will see more traffic coming your way. Can AJ Frey push traffic to your website? You found me on page one, didn’t you? The fact you’re here is proof we nailed it! If I can do that for myself, just imagine for a moment what I can do for you!

Did you find value in this article? Why not share it with your friends and family? Perhaps you have your own SEO tips to push traffic to your website. Why not share them in the comments section below.

Need to push traffic to your website but don’t have the time or expertise to apply these 5 expert SEO tips? Give us a call or send us an email. We believe we have the best and most affordable SEO packages in Canada.